Download the TCNA Bylaws HERE.

Article I. Name of Organization

The name of the organization shall be Town and Country Neighborhood


Article II. Purpose

The purposes for which the Town and Country Neighborhood Association is

organized are as follows:

1. Enhance public safety and security.

2. Foster a sense of community pride.

3. Encourage neighborhood value.

4. Promote community involvement among area residents.

5. Create active communication.

6. Plan social opportunities for residents.

Article III. Boundaries

For the purposes of the Association, the Town & Country Neighborhood will be defined as the boundary

areas of Reynolda Road, Valley Rd, Ransom Rd,& Mill Creek Rd

** Write out boundary description if available

Article IV. Membership

Section 1- Qualifications:

Membership in the Town and Country Neighborhood Association shall be open to

households of those who live within the boundaries shown in Article III. who own,

lease, rent, or occupy property in Town and Country. Membership is voluntary.

Section 2- Voting Rights:

All qualified members as defined above will have one vote per household

regardless of the number of occupants in the household in any voting that

requires approval of the total membership. Unless otherwise specified in these

bylaws, decisions shall be made by a majority vote of those members present at

any meeting where a quorum has been established of at least 25% of the official

membership total. No proxy voting shall be allowed.

Section 3- Membership Audit:

Periodic audit of the membership at the Board’s direction shall be conducted to

ensure that the terms that qualify a person for membership are still valid. This will

be carried out whenever the Board deems it necessary.

Article V. Financial Support

Section 1- Fiscal Year-

The fiscal year of the Association will be January 1-December 31st.

Section 2-Membership Fee-

An annual fee is required of each household to maintain a voting interest in affairs

of the Association. Fees are due by April 1st and are not refundable and are not

prorated for households joining after the fiscal year has begun. The fee is subject

to change from year to year as determined by majority vote of the Board of


Article VI. Board of Directors

Section 1- Board Composition-

The Board of Directors shall consist of the Association officers, chairpersons of ad

hoc committees, and two at-large members. The current officer and committee

head positions are as follows:

- President

- Vice-President

- Secretary

- Treasurer

- Committee Chairs (appointed annually)

- Two at Large Members -

Section 2- Eligibility and Election of Board-

Only persons eligible for Association membership shall be qualified to hold an

elected or appointed Board position. Board members will be elected at the annual

meeting by a majority of those present. Nominations may be presented by thePage | 6

Board and from the floor at the meeting. The Board will fill open positions that

occur and those appointed may serve out unexpired terms.

Section 3- Terms of Office-

Terms of office for Board members will be two years. There will be no term

limitations. Committee Chairs serve annually.

Section 4- Duties of the Board-

The Board will have duties as follows:

- Establish, review, and implement policies of the Association.

- Appoint individuals, ad hoc committees, work groups, or others to perform

necessary functions and represent the Association on specific topics.

- Establish an annual plan of priorities and develop an annual budget to

support it.

- Recruit new members.

Section 5- Duties of Officers and Committee Chairs-

Specific duties of the Board officers and Committee Chairs are as follows:

- President- The President shall preside at all Board and Membership

meetings, and will represent the position of the Board and the interests of

the Association. He/she may appoint others to represent those interests on

his/her behalf.

- Vice-President-The Vice-President will preside in the absence of the

President, and will succeed to President if that office is vacated for any


- Secretary- The Secretary will record and maintain minutes of Board and

Member meetings and will assist with correspondence. He/she will be

responsible for distribution of minutes. The Secretary will maintain the

business files of the Association .He/she will work closely with the

Membership and Communications Committee to maintain an accurate role

of members.

- Treasurer- The Treasurer will have charge of all of the funds of the

Association and shall receive, deposit, and disburse funds from a bank in aPage | 7

manner designated by the Board. The Treasurer will assist the Board in

creating an annual budget and will make financial reports as directed by the


- Committee Chairs- Ad Hoc Committee Chairs will have specific duties

relative to their general purpose and will develop projects subject to

approval of the full Board.

Section 6- Board Meetings-

There will be a minimum of two Board meetings annually. These meetings will be

set by majority vote of the Board on any selected date and time. Board members

will be communicated with by the President or designated representative as to

exact time and location of meetings. Emergency meetings of the Board may be

called by the President or a majority of the total Board. A quorum for Board

meetings is a majority of the total Board.

Article VII.- General Membership Meetings

Section 1- Frequency-

General Membership Meetings will be held at least once per year for the purpose

of voting on new Board members, reviewing the past year’s activities, and

discussing plans for the upcoming year.

Section 2- Agenda-

The President will prepare the agenda for the meeting. A member may submit an

item in writing to the President at least seven days in advance in order for it to be


Article VIII.- Finance

Section 1- Budget-

The Board will develop a budget for the Association each fiscal year.

Section 2-Deposits and Payments-

The Treasurer will be in charge of deposits and payments from a bank account set

up in the name of the Association. Both the President and the Treasurer must signPage | 8

checks or make withdrawals from the account jointly. Non-budgeted items over

$200 must have Board majority approval.

Section 3- Books and Records-

The Treasurer shall keep complete and correct books documenting all financial

transactions. Finance reports are presented at all Board meetings.

Article IX.- Amendments to Bylaws

These bylaws may be repealed or amended or have additions by an affirmative

vote of the members voting at any regular or special meeting of the Association

Board as long as a quorum has been established.